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Western Intake Partnership

WIP Public Rezoning Hearing Scheduled for January 16

Posted: 12/28/23

On November 2, 2023, the Western Intake Partners (WIP) officially submitted an application to Chatham County's Planning Department. The request was to rezone the designated site for the Regional Water Treatment Facility as Conditional District-Light Industrial, aligning with its intended purpose. Chatham County thoroughly reviewed the application and confirmed its completeness and sufficiency.

As a result, Chatham County has scheduled a public hearing to consider the WIP's proposed rezoning. This hearing is set to take place during the County Board of Commissioners meeting on January 16, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Prior to or after the meeting, Chatham County is expected to share the presentation related to the WIP rezoning request on the dedicated WIP rezoning page for public access.

Additional Resources

Chatham County WIP Rezoning

Chatham County Board of Commissioners Agenda